
Friday, September 3, 2010

Get Outta Here!

One of the things I have always lamented while employed is that I never had enough vacation time to really travel.  So, one would deduce that being unemployed would allow ample time for one to travel.  And one would be right!

For the last few years, Adam has made it a tradition to travel to an island for his birthday.  Recent trips have included England, Jamaica, Indonesia and Hawaii.  This year he has decided to continue this tradition, and I am excited to report that we are going somewhere far more Darwinian:

The Galapagos Islands!  We'll also be spending time on mainland Ecuador.  I suspect this is because a large part of our travel itinerary involves eating local cuisine, and Adam is especially anxious to sample the local Ecuadorian specialty:

Cuy!  Translation:  guinea pig.  Yes, I will be eating what in another country would be considered a household pet, but in Ecuador is a tasty, tasty lunch. 

To celebrate this upcoming island adventure, today I did my own little local "tour of the island".  Adam and I are down to one car since he's relinquished his Honda Accord to his 16 year old son.  Since so much of my day-to-day travel is now local, I decided it was time to give my bike a much-needed tune-up.  After perusing the reviews on Yelp, I settled on a great little bike shop in Santa Monica called Bicycle Ambulance, owned by a guy obviously from the Carribbean (but which island, I dunno, my ear isn't that good).  After dropping off my bike and discovering it wouldn't be ready until tomorrow, I arranged to meet Adam for lunch at Port Royal, a cute little cafe in Santa Monica that serves Jamaican food.

We had a delicious buffet lunch comprised of black beans, rice, hot wings, pepper chicken, cabbage, and other types of spicy meat I can't quite remember.  Adam is particularly excited because next Wednesday the buffet will include one his most favorite dishes:  curried goat.  When asked by the owner if I liked to eat curried goat, I replied "only when I'm out of the country".  And even then, like is a strong word for it.  But when travelling, I do endeavor to eat as the locals do, although I might draw the line at organ meats.  I don't want to get gout, after all.  :-)

Well, after a satisfying lunch and a long walk home, I'm ready for a nap. 

Oh, one more development to share:  I've just booked a gig on a reality tv show.  Details to come in future posts, but I can tell you I'm excited!

Go Happy,

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