
About Me

I have one of those minds that is both creative and highly organized, so it really flips my switch to make a list. So I'm going to make a list about me, just for you. Since I'll turn 40 on my next birthday, I'll give you 40 facts about me, plus one for good measure. Or a pinch to grow an inch. Your choice.

41 Facts About Amy Clites

  1. I like making lists (duh).
  2. I'm a Gemini. And so am I.
  3. I'm from Indiana, which makes me a Hoosier. 
  4. I don't know what a Hoosier actually is.
  5. My favorite Hoosier is Kurt Vonnegut.
  6. Or maybe my favorite Hoosier is Axl Rose. It's a toss-up.
  7. I was a New Yorker for a little while.
  8. Okay, that's a lie, I really lived in Jersey City (but, hey, people don't call it the sixth borough for nothin'!)
  9. Now I'm an Angeleno.
  10. Being an Angeleno is my favorite so far.
  11. I'll probably be something else at some point, like an ex-pat maybe. Or a Hoosier again.
  12. I'm a stepmom to a college boy and a high school girl.
  13. High school girls are crazy!
  14. Wait, that's not a fact about me. Well, maybe it was when I was 15.
  15. Actually, I think Michael Jackson might be my favorite Hoosier.
  16. I have a cat named Venus. She was a rescue and is a little diva princess.
  17. I have another cat named Murray. He showed up on my front doorstep and is named after one of my favorite novelists, Haruki Murakami.
  18. I don't have a favorite color, but I used to. Now I like them all equally. Except for brown.
  19. I love to garden. It is soul-cleansing, although it makes my outsides dirty. Go figure.
  20. I have brown hair. Sometimes.
  21. I have a husband. He tolerates my cats.
  22. I tolerate his children.
  23. I met him on
  24. I graduated from the University of Evansville in Indiana. Go Purple Aces! 
  25. I don't know what a Purple Ace actually is.
  26. I also graduated from Rutgers. Go Scarlet Knights!
  27. The only time I ever attended an event at Rutgers Stadium was to see the Dalai Lama speak. I don't think the Scarlet Knights were there that day.
  28. My first job was as a corn detassler. Look it up.
  29. I've been to 45 of the 50 states.
  30. The states in America, that is.
  31. I haven't been to Maine, Hawaii, Alaska, North Dakota and South Dakota.
  32. I'd be interested in going to four of the five of those states.
  33. Can you guess which one I'm not that interested in?
  34. (No offense to anyone in North Dakota).
  35. I've never changed a diaper. I suppose that will change when my husband gets older.
  36. My great aunt was in the witness protection program. 
  37. I've run in two half marathons. Woo hoo!
  38. I hate running.
  39. My favorite television show of all time is Roseanne.
  40. I was my high school valedictorian. Which makes me a smarty-pants. Or a butt-kisser. Or both!
  41. One day I will die. Unless I make it to the singularity.

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